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According to reports, the government may be looking to make Universal Credit dental cuts, as well as potentially axing free NHS prescriptions.

At the Conservative Party conference last week, Jeremy Hunt called for tougher restrictions on benefits for people wo “won’t even look for work”, confirming that he and Mel Stride, the Work and Pensions Secretary, will be examining the benefits system once again.

Universal credit dental cuts

Reportedly, one way of making these cutbacks would be to half the eligibility for free NHS prescription and dental care for those who are sanctioned. Claimants who continue to do so whilst sanctioned could face a fine, of which the amount remains unknown.

Sanctions may be possible for claimants who don’t meet the requirements set by the Job Centre, with the possibility that claimants sanctioned for six months could have their Universal Credit claims closed by the Department of Works and Pensions.

Falling afoul of the DWP and having your benefits stopped could result in a period of expulsion from being able to claim, for a potential period of three months. Disability, housing or child benefit claimants are believed not to be affected.

None of these claims have been either confirmed or denied, but if anything does materialise from this it is likely to be in the Autumn Statement on the 22nd of November.

My two penneth

In our current economic climate, it’s inevitable that the benefits system was one of the areas that was going to be hit by further scrutiny.

Whilst those who are shying away from work and playing the system need to be properly addressed, I worry that this will eventually close the net even further and one day end up affecting people who are completely genuine.